A view from the hotel room is a journey into the past
The old mill – in common parlance called a flour mill – is the oldest of the four functioning mills on the mill site in Birgel/Eifel. It dates from the 13th century and was taken over privately by Peter Reifferscheid for the first time in 1917. The water mill was then equipped with a turbine and thus became the largest mill in the Daun/Vulkaneifel district. In 1917, a sawmill was also attached to the old mill.
The power of the turbine (20.9 kW / 28 hp) was sufficient to drive both mills via water power.
Mills & Restaurants
After the restoration of the mill site in 1995, head miller Erwin also added a mustard mill and an oil mill to his site in response to the great interest of visitors. There are now also four restaurants on the mill site, serving regional delicacies. You can get an overview here.
Click here for opening hours!
Click here for menus!
The distillery
It has always been Erwin’s dream to own his own distillery. After a lengthy process and many obstacles, he was able to fulfill the dream
Step back in time and learn everything you need to know about distilling schnapps. Whether it’s construction, firing or fruit. Erwin is an expert in the field and explains everything worth knowing in our snap distilling course.
You also have the opportunity to taste the homemade schnapps in our online store or on site at the mill.
The mill bakery
The house of the mill-bakery comes from Bodenbach in the Westerwald and was built in 1659. There it was dismantled by head miller Erwin and his mill team, and then rebuilt 1:1 in Birgel. We bake a natural sourdough bread according to grandma’s recipe. Natural sourdough is prepared by our mill baker herself and bred for seven days.
Here, too, you have the opportunity to delve deeper and attend our baking & mustard course.
More interesting facts about the mill

Technology of the mills
After the restoration of the mill site in 1995, head miller Erwin also added a mustard mill and an oil mill to his site in response to the great interest shown by visitors.

Experiences in the mill
Various programs are offered daily or by appointment for visitors to the mill.For the most diverse occasions, whether family celebrations, company parties, children’s birthdays, weddings, conferences or other events, a suitable entertainment program can be put together in each case.

Gourmet products
The delicatessen products produced in the individual mills are produced by us in the highest quality and with the greatest care. Mustard, bread, oil and wholemeal flour are the quality products from our mill in the Eifel.
Information and order here!

Sights on the mill site
If you visit our historic watermill in Birgel, you should not miss our mustard mill , oil mill , grain mill and the mill bakery .

More about our millstone maker Wolfgang Strakosch .
Recent past of the mill

In 2008 the mill team was once again a guest at the Federal President’s Festival in Berlin!

Again guest at the summer party of the Federal President in Berlin! It is always an experience and a challenge to entertain 3000 guests, fight against the rain and talk to the many celebrities. Erwin vd Mühle welcomes Horst Köhler, the 3rd president and his mill team.

Again the highlight of the year. The mill is once again one of those chosen to present its products at the Federal President’s summer festival.

The EMC at the Federal President’s Festival in Berlin

In bright sunshine, Federal President Johannes Rau and his wife Christina invited them to a summer party in the garden of Villa Bellevue in Berlin. Under the motto “Festival of Cultures”, a wide range of international dance and music performances were presented on the perfectly styled lawn of Bellevue. Including the mill team with Eifler specialties.

Saturday, August 31, 2002:
Inauguration of the EURO MÜHLEN-CENTER – Europe’s largest mill center – by Minister President Kurt Beck

German marketing award for Erwin Spohr’s bathroom concept in the mill

The mill visits the Federal President for the third time

The annual summer festival of the Rhineland-Palatinate state government was the last at the old place of work in Bonn. The many Rhineland-Palatinate companies and branded products, which presented the entire diversity of the state, also contributed to this. These include such well-known brands as the Bitburger Brewery, Deutsche Post, Südwestrundfunk and the Central Association of the German Bakers’ Crafts. The historical watermill from Birgel with its own products provided the special note and the whole range of diversity. Our picture shows Kurt Beck and the mill team.

Birgeler present the Eifel at the Federal President’s summer party

In 1999 the mill team was a guest at the Federal President’s Festival in Berlin!
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