
Am 21.05.2024 bleibt die Historische Wassermühle für einen Tag geschlossen. Am 22.05.2024 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Euch da.


The house of the mill bakery comes from Bodenbach in the Westerwald and was built in 1659. There it was dismantled by head miller Erwin and his milling team in order to then rebuild it in Birgel 1: 1. This was the first historic building to be added to the existing flour mill on the mill site, which was already over 700 years old.

In the wood-fired bakery there are two old ovens that are only fired with wood.

Making bread

We bake a natural sourdough bread according to grandma’s recipe. Natural sourdough is prepared by our mill baker herself and bred for seven days. Then the approach is used to knead the finished dough, consisting of 70% wheat or spelled flour and 30% sourdough (rye flour) into a loaf of bread. The special taste comes from the sourdough, but also not least from the wood oven. A popular product in German mills.

Learn more about the Historic Watermill